VMA Government Relations
If you see them, report them.
Call VA State Police hotline with exact address
Call your local Sheriff and Commonwealth’s Attorney and demand that they be prosecuted.
VMA Official Communication from VMA Government Relations Chairman Brook Archambeau
URGENT: Please reach out to Governor Youngkin TODAY and ask him to keep predatory skill game machines out of Virginia. SB212 is currently awaiting the Governor's action and we want him to VETO the bill.
Emailing the Governor is easy using the tool below.
Filling out the form will take you less than a minute to complete.
Click here Moose email to Governor Youngkin to send a pre-drafted letter to Governor Youngkin asking him to veto SB 212 and stop predatory skill machines in Virginia.
Once on the site, you will be prompted to fill in your information including first name, last name, email, phone number, address and zip code. Your information will not be shared or publicized and phone number is optional.
You can read the letter by scrolling in the box above where you will enter your information.
Once you have filled out all of the boxes, your name will be automatically added to the letter.
After you have filled out the information, hit “Send” and the pre-drafted letter will be sent to Governor Youngkin’s office.
Thank you for your help in urging the Governor to VETO this harmful legislation!
Brooke Archambeau
VMA Government Relations Chair
VMA Official Communication from VMA Government Relations Chairman Brook Archambeau
Please use the following template to contact each Delegate on the list via email TODAY OR TOMORROW. The bill comes up for consideration on Tuesday. Use the subject heading for your email to read as: SUPPORT HB523
Delegate Last name,
My name is _______ with ___(lodge name)____ Moose Lodge _#_. Virginia has 83 local Moose Lodges with 66,000 members. Local Moose lodges are in every region of the Commonwealth.
The Moose are volunteer-led service organizations. We are dedicated to serving our members and our communities. The Moose is one of the largest and most charitable fraternal organizations in Virginia. We have contributed millions of dollars and given hundreds of thousands of volunteer service hours across the Commonwealth. Massey Cancer Center, Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU, veterans organizations such as VetsHouse, local youth sports leagues, local law enforcement and emergency response agencies, and our local schools are just a few of the worthy charitable organizations we support with funds we raise through charitable gaming.
The Moose use Virginia's charitable gaming laws to raise funds to support our charitable efforts to serve our members and our communities. The gaming we engage in is approved by the Virginia General Assembly and regulated by VDACS (Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services).
I am writing to request that you support HB523, Delegate Krizek's charitable gaming bill, when it comes in front of the General Laws this week. Senator Bryce Reeves is the Patron of the identical Senate bill, SB344.
The Krizek and Reeves charitable gaming bills will help our organizations raise the funds needed to assist our members and Virginians in need.
Thank you for your consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions.
____Lodge name and number___
VMA Official Communication from VMA Government Relations Chairman Brook Archambeau
The Senate Subcommittee meets Tuesday morning to consider our bill.
Please call the Senators on this list and urge them to support Senate Bill 344 (Reeves).
You may also email them (see the list) and request the following (use these words):
Dear Senator _______:
I am __(name)___ from _______ Moose. Our lodge is part of the Virginia Moose Association, which comprises 66,000 members and 83 lodges. We are one of the most charitable organizations in the Commonwealth and are able to do this because of charitable gaming efforts in our lodges.
Our fraternal system requires that lodges provide social activities and recreational opportunities for our members. To do this, we need to be able to use gaming proceeds to maintain our facilities and pay for food and entertainment to continue traditional fundraising efforts and provide a safe place for our members and their children.
We urge you to pass SB344, which will allow us to use proceeds from charitable gaming that is collected solely by our members to provide for our fraternal purposes and lodge upkeep in order to help us keep supporting our children at Mooseheart, seniors at Moosehaven, and our local communities.
___your name________
___your title__________
___your lodge_________
___your contact info___